SMI Radio Timber! Shows! premiers with Lonesome Shack (Photos)

Timbershows!_edited-3IMG_6886SMI Radio in conjunction with Critical Sun Recordings and Artist Home present the debut episode of a new series entitled “Timber! Shows.” The series features exclusive artist interviews and live music sessions recorded at the Critical Sun Radio studios.

The second annual Timber! Outdoor Music Festival will be taking place July 24 – 26 in beautiful Carnation Washington.

On this week’s episode, SMI Radio’s Greg Roth, along with Critical Sun’s Bubba Jones welcomes Timber! artist, Lonesome Shack for an interview and a live in-studio session featuring exclusive performances of songs from the band’s debut record, “City Man” and forthcoming release “More Primitive.” Lonesome Shack will be performing their record release show on Friday, May 23d at Columbia City Theater.

Also visiting Greg in the studio is Timber! counselor Eric Sullivan. Eric chats about some of the fun and exciting activities taking place along side the great music acts performing at the festival.

For ticket and lineup information visit:

To listen to past Timber! Shows! featuring some brilliant Timber! artists GO HERE.

Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Timber! Shows!: Lonesome Shack (Photo by Christina Leiva)
Not only is he a multi-media journalist, he is also an accomplished musician. He is the founder of SMI and drives the creative look, feel and branding for the publication. His years of writing, arranging, and performing live music in a variety of genres inform his ability to communicate the message and the mechanics of music. Roth’s work on SMI reflects his philosophy that music is the universal language, and builds community. He believes it has the power to unite people of every race, religion, gender, and persuasion.